Always Starting Over, Never Finishing: Art & OCD
Many chase after an ideal style or form of expression, only to achieve it and realize no one else “gets it,” or the people with the purchasing power have an entirely different idea of what that ideal style or form of expression should be. It is fertile ground for perfectionism, and for artists with OCD it can be particularly debilitating.
Think on these Things: Following Philippians 4:8 Without Compulsions
The more valiantly you fight your intrusive thoughts with your own efforts, the more likely you are to lose the battle. Intrusive thoughts cannot be ousted by your effort or willpower. Although counterintuitive, trying to force out the intrusive thoughts is the surest way to get them to stay.
Obsessions & Compulsions Common to Scrupulosity
Only licensed mental health professionals can diagnose OCD. But if trusted leaders in the church are aware of common manifestations of scrupulosity, this increases the likelihood that people in the church will find the correct treatment.
Understanding Scrupulosity
I set out to provide a theologically sound and scientifically valid Christian framework for understanding scrupulosity, in order to reduce suffering and deepen our faith.
My Journey to the Anglican Faith
My journey from Methodism, Non-denominational churches, and the Southern Baptist Convention to the historic Anglican faith